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By Canada Life Investment Management | July 12, 2024

On July 9, 2024  Dan Gremonprez, National Vice-President of Wealth Distribution at Canada Life, led a discussion with Jack Manley, Global Market Strategist from J.P. Morgan Asset Management about 2024 investment market trends, challenges and potential opportunities.

Navigating the 2024 investment market 

Navigating the complexities of the current market landscape can be tough considering the volatility of the first half of 2024. This event provided valuable insights on the challenges we see today like high inflation, changing interest rates, and geopolitical risks. Some opportunities for areas of strength include technology, sustainable energy investments and short term duration planning for portfolios to mitigate the current volatility.

Four takeaways

  1. Market volatility: we’ve seen fluctuating economic conditions and market instability from geopolitical tensions and energy prices and other key economic indicators (for example, employment, rate cuts and inflation) continue to be unpredictable and unreliable.
  2. Monitor inflation and interest rates: staying informed about inflation trends and interest rates can help with short- and long-term planning strategies to help safeguard returns.
  3. Embrace technology: earnings for artificial intelligence and automation continue to rise and are transforming investment opportunities.
  4. Keep an eye on politics and the U.S. election: more volatile global markets and uncertainty of the election outcome can increase the risk of investors making emotional decisions around November. While political developments are important, investment decisions should be based on analysis of companies and economic indicators.

The market is dynamic and presents a mix of challenges and opportunities. Understanding the current trends, continuous learning and market analysis is crucial right now for financial planning.

For financial advisors looking for more information, please contact your Canada Life wealth wholesaling team.

Financial advisors can watch this event on demand.

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