By Canada Life Investment Management | Jan. 23, 2024
Canada Life is committed to partnering with investment managers with the expertise and track record of success to help your client portfolios thrive. It’s why we’ve added Connor Clark & Lunn Investment Management Ltd. (CC&L) to our roster of investment experts.
Who is Connor Clark & Lunn Investment Management Ltd.?
Each investment manager of our wealth products has a distinct investment approach and deep expertise within their specialized areas of portfolio management. For CC&L, those areas are equity, fixed income and balanced funds.
Founded in 1982, CC&L is one of the largest independently owned investment management firms in Canada with $59.2 billion in assets under management.1 They’re part of the CC&L Financial Group, a multi-boutique investment management company whose affiliates collectively manage over $110 billion in financial assets on behalf of institutional and retail clients across Canada, in the United States, England and India.2
CC&L has centralized their non-investment management functions. This allows portfolio managers and investment professionals to do what they do best and focus on delivering results.
Investment strategy
CC&L invests based on a balance between growth and value characteristics. They use a disciplined and consistent process, combining top-down macro-economic research with a strong emphasis on fundamental bottom-up security selection.
Managing the Canada Life Canadian Fundamental Equity Fund
Canada Life is excited to partner with the CC&L Fundamental Equity team on the Canada Life Canadian Fundamental Equity Fund (previously called the Canada Life Canadian Concentrated Equity Fund). This team is co-led by Gary Baker and Andrew Zimcik and supported by a deep team of five portfolio managers. Each portfolio manager has dedicated sector responsibilities. They’re also supported by a broader team of nine other investment professionals.
Learn more about this change that took place on Nov. 9, 2023.Have a question about the investment manager and their mandate?
Contact your Canada Life wealth wholesaling team.
The views expressed in this commentary are those of this investment manager as at the date of publication and are subject to change without notice. This commentary is presented only as a general source of information and is not intended as a solicitation to buy or sell specific investments, nor is it intended to provide tax or legal advice.
This fund is managed by Canada Life Investment Management Ltd. offered exclusively through Quadrus Investment Services Ltd. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently, and past performance may not be repeated.
Canada Life and design, Canada Life Investment Management and design, and other marks followed by the TM symbol at first time of use are trademarks of The Canada Life Assurance Company (“Canada Life”). Other marks displayed in this piece are trademarks of a third party, and used with permission or under licence. Canada Life Investment Management Ltd. is a subsidiary of Canada Life.
Canada Life and design, and Canada Life Investment Management, and design are trademarks of The Canada Life Assurance Company.