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By Beutel Goodman | Nov. 9, 2021
Beutel Goodman Fixed Income Team

Inflation in Canada seems to be persisting for now, but that doesn’t mean those sounding the alarm bells over runaway inflation earlier this year were right. In this update, Beutel Goodman Investment Counsel break down the common narratives and explain the nuances of how inflation is caused. They show why they think price increases are mostly down to the disconnect between supply and demand that we’ve been hearing so much about. However, they do make the case for structural inflation increasing slightly as policies shift south of the border.

Clients can access the expertise of Beutel Goodman’s Fixed Income Team through both the Canada Life™ Canadian Value Balanced Fund and Canada Life Global Value Balanced Fund. To protect and grow their investments, these funds pair fixed income assets with equities using Beutel’s disciplined approach to value investing, which they’ve honed over five decades of growth.  

Read the full article to learn more about this key economic indicator:

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