Your life goals are unique to you, and your investment strategy shouldn’t be any different.
You don’t invest to simply invest - you want to achieve your goals. With Constellation Managed Portfolios, your advisor can help you align your investments directly with long or short-term goals. Constellation is designed to help you know how close you are to reaching every goal. This way you and your advisor can follow the progress and adjust the plan as needed.
Everyone is unique, so why shouldn’t your investments be? Goals based investing can help you reach your financial goals.
Description: Strands of DNA stretch across the screen.
Narrator: We’re made of billions of cells that make us, well us.
Description: Camera zooms out to reveal a cell. The cell divides. The screen fills with cells.
Narrator: But it’s not just biology. Our experiences and goals shape each of us differently.
Description: Camera zooms again to reveal a child, watching a firefly in the night, dreaming of flight.
Narrator: We’re unique – so why would we have the same investments as everyone else?
Description: The child grows to an adult, with her two children, her brain illuminates with the idea of flight.
Narrator: It’s time to get more personalized, with less guesswork, when it comes to investing.
Description: Cut to two stacks of paper, one labelled “RRSP” the other “TFSA.” Papers scatter to reveal a travel inspiration board.
Narrator: We have Constellation, a managed program to better help you reach your target.
Description: A browser window opens with a personalized welcome message, the window fades to reveal “Constellation Managed Portfolios.”
Narrator: It will take into account your many goals, when you want to achieve them,
Description: Three goals are added, “Travel,” “Kid’s Education” and “Retirement.”
Narrator: and how much risk you can take on.
Description: Goals expand to reveal graphs of target dates, “Travel: 1 year,” “Kid’s Education: 15 years” and “Retirement: 30 years.”
Narrator: A portfolio is created for each goal with an asset mix to help you achieve it.
Description: An asset mix is revealed for each goal, “Travel: Moderate Income,” “Kid’s Education: Moderate Growth” and “Retirement: Income.”
Narrator: Plus, it shows your progress along the way.
Description: Each goal shows its progress, “Travel: 86 %,” “Kid’s Education: 52%” and “Retirement: 24%.”
Narrator: It’s time for Constellation, a program that can adapt to the markets
Description: Travel goal expands to show graph of growth over time. It is protected from market fluctuation. Window closes and “Travel” is complete.
Narrator: and your unique life.
Description: Return to adult woman, she is older and dreaming of her next goal.
Narrator: Want to get started?
Description: Text “Want to get started?” with Canada Life logo and legal.
Description: Strands of DNA stretch across the screen.
Narrator: We’re made of billions of cells that make us, well us.
Description: Camera zooms out to reveal a cell. The cell divides. The screen fills with cells.
Narrator: But it’s not just biology. Our experiences and goals shape each of us differently.
Description: Camera zooms again to reveal a child, watching a firefly in the night, dreaming of flight.
Narrator: We’re unique – so why would we have the same investments as everyone else?
Description: The child grows to an adult, with her two children, her brain illuminates with the idea of flight.
Narrator: It’s time to get more personalized, with less guesswork, when it comes to investing.
Description: Cut to two stacks of paper, one labelled “RRSP” the other “TFSA.” Papers scatter to reveal a travel inspiration board.
Narrator: We have Constellation, a managed program to better help you reach your target.
Description: A browser window opens with a personalized welcome message, the window fades to reveal “Constellation Managed Portfolios.”
Narrator: It will take into account your many goals, when you want to achieve them,
Description: Three goals are added, “Travel,” “Kid’s Education” and “Retirement.”
Narrator: and how much risk you can take on.
Description: Goals expand to reveal graphs of target dates, “Travel: 1 year,” “Kid’s Education: 15 years” and “Retirement: 30 years.”
Narrator: A portfolio is created for each goal with an asset mix to help you achieve it.
Description: An asset mix is revealed for each goal, “Travel: Moderate Income,” “Kid’s Education: Moderate Growth” and “Retirement: Income.”
Narrator: Plus, it shows your progress along the way.
Description: Each goal shows its progress, “Travel: 86 %,” “Kid’s Education: 52%” and “Retirement: 24%.”
Narrator: It’s time for Constellation, a program that can adapt to the markets
Description: Travel goal expands to show graph of growth over time. It is protected from market fluctuation. Window closes and “Travel” is complete.
Narrator: and your unique life.
Description: Return to adult woman, she is older and dreaming of her next goal.
Narrator: Want to get started?
Description: Text “Want to get started?” with Canada Life logo and legal.
Your advisor will walk you through an investment process to:
- Set your goals and determine your risk tolerance
- Create an investment strategy with a suitable asset mix for each goal
- Allow for continuous monitoring of your portfolio to maintain the right asset mix
- Track progress towards your goals
Usually, successful investing means beating the benchmark index. In other words, doing better than a stock market like the S&P/TSX. But this way is difficult to connect investment progress with reaching your goals. Sure, you may get a positive return, but does it matter if you can’t ultimately pay for your kid’s college tuition?
Instead, we understand that you have multiple goals such as retirement, saving up for a vacation or paying for your child’s education – it’s more than just beating an index. With Constellation, your advisor helps build the plan around your goals with different time horizons, order of importance and the suitable risk for each goal. They can provide a customized portfolio for each goal, monitor your investments and adjust the portfolio as the markets fluctuate.