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The Great-West Life Assurance Company, London Life Insurance Company and The Canada Life Assurance Company have become one company – The Canada Life Assurance Company. Discover the new Canada Life

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Taking Care of Your Mental Health When Self-Employed

Key takeaways

  • People who work for themselves can face unique challenges to their mental and physical wellness.
  • There are things you can do to promote your mental and physical wellbeing when you’re self-employed.
  • These could include taking breaks, finding activities that calm your mind, and learning to spot your stressors.

Self-employed, gig workers and independent professionals have unique stressors that need to be addressed to provide a healthy work-life balance.

The first thing we may neglect when we’re busy or stressed is our physical and mental health.

Being aware of this tendency is the first step, but there are many strategies that can help.

Tips for physical wellness when you’re self-employed

Listen to your body. When you need to, take time to rest and heal. Do not just push through.

Consider techniques to improve your posture.

Book annual dental, eye, physical, and mental health check-ups.

Walk and talk – if your job requires a lot of phone or meeting time, consider walking while talking.

Choose exercise you look forward to doing like:

  • Sports
  • Dancing 
  • Playing with pets or children 
  • Listening to music or audiobooks while working out

Whatever it is, make sure it is fun for you.

Nourish your body with nutritious meals that fuel you throughout the day.

Stay hydrated to prevent headaches and support your energy levels.

Breathe deeply whenever you can to increase your physical energy and improve your focus.

Tips for mental well-being when you’re self-employed

Become aware of your stressors. Develop a list of coping strategies you know work for you and put them into action to deal with those stressors.

Identify activities that calm your mind and try to do one daily. You might want to:

  • Read 
  • Go for a walk 
  • Watch television 
  • Knit 
  • Paint 
  • Garden 
  • Cook 
  • Practice yoga

Take regular, healthy breaks throughout your workday. They can help optimize your productivity.

Use apps that help you relax through guided meditation, mindfulness or music.

Read poetry or inspirational quotations each day.

Spend time in or around nature. – Having indoor plants and trips to greenhouses count.

Write down your thoughts – which may include fears, hopes, dreams, goals or appreciation – to help make them easier for you to understand and manage.

What’s next?

  • Consider using one of these tips today.
  • For more strategies for thriving while you’re self-employed, check out Workplace Strategies for Mental Health.

The information provided is accurate to the best of our knowledge as of the date of publication, but rules and interpretations may change. This information is general in nature, and is intended for informational purposes only. For specific situations you should consult the appropriate legal, accounting or tax advisor.

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