What is an employee assistance program?
An employee assistance program (EAP) is a benefit that some employers provide for their employees. An EAP is a voluntary, confidential service provided by some employers that could help you address financial, caregiver, health or relationship concerns. The program is usually available to employees at all levels and, in most cases, their dependent family members (dependents).
Any individual wishing to talk to a counsellor or make an appointment can call the EAP. Most have a 24-hour service, 365 days per year. Some have professionals available to address crisis and emergency issues immediately by phone.
Your employer is likely to make this service available to you and your family at no direct cost to you. The services are often provided by external EAP providers. You may get an appointment time and place outside your normal working hours and workplace for greater confidentiality. The number of sessions allowed varies but there are usually no fewer than 3 separate 1-hour sessions and could be as many as 8 sessions or more per person per year.
What concerns might an EAP address?
- Marital and family
- Interpersonal relationships
- Personal and emotional issues
- Stress and burn-out
- Work-related stress
- Problematic substance use
- Critical and traumatic incidents
- Conflict
- Grief
- Other concerns that affect or could affect personal well-being or work performance
What if you require more than the EAP can provide?
Your EAP counsellor can:
- Guide you towards specialized services in your community
- Coach you on how to access these services
- Help you identify treatment or services they don’t offer but could be helpful for you
In some cases, the community services recommended by your EAP will be free or offered for a fee on a sliding scale. Your group health plan may assist in covering some of the cost through reimbursement. Note: you may need a referral from a medical physician to be reimbursed. Your group health benefits plan should have these details available to you. Your human resource advisor, a union representative or your supervisor can also assist in finding this information.