Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace
In July 2024, Mental Health Research Canada surveyed 2,000 employed Canadians and asked them about their psychological health and safety at work.
The questions, curated by Workplace Strategies for Mental Health, compliments of Canada Life, helped provide valuable information and insights on specific trends. For example:
- 68% of working Canadians surveyed feel their workplace is psychologically safe.
- 32% of working Canadians surveyed indicated that their mental health improved in the past 12 months.
- 24% of working Canadians surveyed feel burnt out at work. This is a slight increase from the previous year (21%) but is still significantly lower than during the pandemic (35% at December 2021).
These results can be used to learn and reflect on how psychological health and safety might impact employee mental health and well-being. Workplace Strategies for Mental Health also uses this information to update or create evidence- and practice-based resources.
The full report | PDF 709 KB explores topics that include stress, mental health, what motivated others to get help and how leaders feel about psychological health and safety at work.