Help employees pay down student loans while you help them save for retirement
The first of its kind in Canada, this program allows employees to focus on reducing their student debt while you contribute to their retirement savings.
As they repay their loans, you contribute to their group retirement and savings plan, helping them gain a strong financial footing both now and for the years to come.
As a plan member pays down their student loan debt, your employer-matched contributions are directed to their plan:
Our experts can help you figure out an approach that works for your business.
For many Canadian graduates, student loan debt is a barrier to saving for the future:
of Canadian students graduate with student loan debt.
Getting help with paying off student debt while still being able to save could make all the difference in not just how people work, but where.
Offering a student debt savings program is a great way to attract and retain employees, and help your business grow.
It's one way to show your employees that you're invested in their future, which can help you gain an edge in today's competitive market.